The Quantum Leap Coach Training

På grunn av covid-19 pandemien og smittevernsregler må studenter være innstilt på raske endringer angående undervisningsform. Vi planlegger med fysisk bootcamp. Vi har imidlertid laget plan for digital bootcamp om forholdene tilsier at det blir nødvendig.

Coaching is not for the faint of heart. With a wealth of coach trainings out there that range from 2-40 days, most coaches struggle to build their coaching business and feel their coaching sessions are chaotic. They are not getting the results they want for their clients. This is either because they don’t have enough knowledge about coaching, or they are overwhelmed by everything they’ve learnt so far.

The Quantum Leap Business and Coach training is developed specifically to offer a solution to this problem.

It is a simple-to-use, yet powerful coach system that moves beyond traditional performance coaching into transformational coaching.

A masterful coach will have an in depth understanding of how change works, how the mind-body-emotion system creates experiences and how to identify the leverage points that will allow an individual or organizational system to reach their outcome.

By knowing exactly how to collect, organize and manage your client’s story and information, you will be able to use the Quantum Leap template to quickly get to the heart of your client’s situation and identify what it takes to create and solidify lasting change.

Building on NLP, Neuro-Semantics, and the Meta-Coach training system, the Quantum Leap has integrated the different models into 1 model that is easy to learn, easy to use, and its focus on practical application makes it powerful in its effects in coaching.

During an intensive training you will be introduced to the system, and you will actively learn how to use it in your coaching conversations.

While the program is set up to be practical and places a large emphasis on applicability, it is founded in cutting edge coaching psychology.

This is a great pathway to becoming a professional coach in the following fields:
–       Executive / CEO coaching
–       Relationship coaching
–       Life coaching
–       Group / team coaching

Who must attend this training:
–       NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioners who want to master the art and science of coaching
–       Experienced coaches who want to dramatically improve their performance
–       New coaches who want to get to expert level faster
–       (Human resource) managers wanting to use coaching in their work

Here is what you will take away from the training.

You, the coach
As a coach, the way you show up and build relationships with your client will determine your success in getting results. We will spend a day working on self esteem and building relationship, so you can be fully present with the person you are coaching.

The art of questioning
Coaching is asking great questions. Knowing what questions to ask will make the difference between a pleasant chat and a transformational conversation. We will dive into the different kinds of questions and their importance in coaching.

The structure of experience
Understanding the structure and system of someone’s experience (whether it’s where they are right now or where they want to be) will give you the leverage you need to help your client bridge the gap. We will be using questions to build a visual of someone’s map of the world through introducing the Quantum Leap system.


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